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      It all started when Ron and I realized that all the pipe dreams we had of exploring and living our lives to the fullest were never actually pipe dreams at all. We would occasionally say that one day we wanted to move to the mountains where we could off-road, overland, travel and see new things as often as we could. Until one day, we decided rather than wish and dream of that day to come, we would work towards our dream. All those "I wish we could do that" and "one day we'll go there" comments were fully attainable goals.


      We spent months building a jeep that would eventually transport us and only two beagles at the time 8,000+ miles all over the country in six weeks. So, after getting married in 2021 we made our journey to start a new life in Western Colorado while making the most of our time along the way. In those six weeks we saw and experienced life in a way that we never could have even imagined. We visited family, camped on beaches, in the mountains, partied in Vegas and so many other exciting things. After our trip we settled down with new jobs in a place we had spent no more than 72 hours in our entire lives. Although it was scary to start fresh somewhere so new, we were very excited to start our lives here.


      Now that we have accomplished our original "pipe dreams" it's time to tackle the next ones. We wasted no time exploring everything around us. A testament to this is our Youtube page (link on homepage) where we share our adventures. Our current goal is to bring the Overland Cherokee (the green one) to all 50 states. As of right now it has been to 26 of the 50 states. Ron and I have already been to 37 of the 50 states. Along with that, another one of our major goals is to just continue to travel to places we've never been before, whether it be by jeep, car, plane or boat. 


      We hope you enjoy following our journey. We love sharing our experiences and adventures and hope to inspire others to live everyday like it is their last. 


             Never stop exploring, 

       Ash, Ron, Bella, Natalie & Lilli



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